var shell = require( "shelljs" ); var Release = { define: function( props ) { for ( var key in props ) { Release[ key ] = props[ key ]; } }, exec: function( _options, errorMessage ) { var result, command = _options.command || _options, options = {}; if ( _options.silent ) { options.silent = true; } errorMessage = errorMessage || "Error executing command: " + command; result = shell.exec( command, options ); if ( result.code !== 0 ) { Release.abort( errorMessage ); } return result.output; }, abort: function() { console.error.apply( console, arguments ); process.exit( 1 ); }, newVersion: require( "../package" ).version }; var script = require( "./release" ); script( Release ); // Ignores actual version installed, should be good enough for a test if ( shell.exec( "npm ls --depth 0 | grep" ).code === 1 ) { shell.exec( "npm install " + script.dependencies.join( " " ) ); } // If AUTHORS.txt is outdated, this will update it // Very annoying during an actual release shell.exec( "grunt update-authors" ); Release.generateArtifacts( function() { console.log( "Done generating artifacts, verify output, should be in dist/cdn" ); } );