init() var tsvPath = '' var titlePath = '' var defaultStartDate var defaultEndDate var totalPosts var startDate var endDate var wordPushList var randId var globKeyword = '' var stopwords = [] function init() { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'ptt_push/init', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { console.log(data) tsvString = data.Result.tsv wordPushList = JSON.parse(data.Result.json) stopwords = data.Result.stopwords console.log(wordPushList) $('#idBox').val( buildSentetree(tsvString) } }) $(document).ready(function() { $(window).keydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault() sendRequest() } }); }); $(window).on('mousemove', function(e) { $('#nodeTitle').css({ left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY }) }) $('#titleListContainer').hover( function() { // Run on hover/mouseenter $(this).css('overflow', 'auto') }, function() { // Run on mouseleave $(this).css('overflow', 'hidden') } ) $('#titleListLayer').click(function(e) { if ($('#titleListLayer').is( { hideTitles() } }) $('#stopWordEditorLayer').click(function(e) { if ($('#stopWordEditorLayer').is( { hideStopWordEditor() } }) } function clearStopWord() { stopwords = [] $('#sweContainer').html('') } function addStopWord() { newswRaw = $('#newStopWord').val() newswList = newswRaw.split(' ') for (newsw of newswList) { if (newsw != '') { if (stopwords.includes(newsw)) { } else { stopwords.push(newsw) $('#sweContainer').append($('
  • ').attr('class', 'w3-display-container').append($('').append(newsw)).append($('').attr('class', 'w3-button w3-hover-red w3-transparent w3-display-right').click(function(e) { var index = $(this).parent().index() console.log(stopwords[index]) stopwords.splice(index, 1) console.log(stopwords) $('#sweContainer li').eq(index).remove() }).append("×"))) console.log(document.getElementById('sweContainer').children[stopwords.indexOf(newsw)]) } document.getElementById("sweContainer").scrollTop = document.getElementById('sweContainer').children[stopwords.indexOf(newsw)].offsetTop } } $('#newStopWord').val('') } function showStopwordEditor() { console.log(stopwords) $(window).unbind('keydown') $(window).keydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { addStopWord() } }) $('#sweContainer').empty() for (word of stopwords) { $('#sweContainer').append($('
  • ').attr('class', 'w3-display-container').append($('').append(word)).append($('').attr('class', 'w3-button w3-hover-red w3-transparent w3-display-right').click(function(e) { var index = $(this).parent().index() console.log(stopwords[index]) stopwords.splice(index, 1) console.log(stopwords) $('#sweContainer li').eq(index).remove() }).append("×"))) } $('#stopWordEditorLayer').removeClass('hidden') } function hideStopWordEditor() { $(window).unbind('keydown') $(window).keydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault() sendRequest() } }) $('#stopWordEditorLayer').addClass('hidden') } function downloadStopWord() { stopWordString = stopwords.join('\n') download(stopWordString, 'stopwords.txt', 'text/plain') } function hidePopup() { $('#infoWindowLayer').toggleClass('hidden') $('#progressInfo').html('') $('#progBarInner').css('width', 0 + '%') closeEventListner() } function setDate(_startDate, _endDate) { document.getElementById('startDate').value = _startDate document.getElementById("endDate").value = _endDate startDate = _startDate endDate = _endDate } function getProgressing(event) { data = JSON.parse( $('#progressInfo').html(data.comment) $('#progBarInner').css('width', data.progress + '%') } function getProgressFinished(event) { data = JSON.parse( changeGraph(data) hidePopup() } function closeEventListner() { progListener.removeEventListener('progressing' + randId, getProgressing) progListener.removeEventListener('progressFinished' + randId, getProgressFinished) } function sendRequest() { if ($('#idBox').val() == '' && $('#titleBox').val() == '') { window.alert('請至少填寫一個鄉民id或是') } content = JSON.stringify({ author: $('#idBox').val(), aid: $('#titleBox').val(), keyword: $('#keywordBox').val(), stopwords: stopwords, pos: { noun: $('#noun').is(':checked'), verb: $('#verb').is(':checked'), adj: $('#adj').is(':checked'), adv: $('#adv').is(':checked'), pron: $('#pron').is(':checked'), aux: $('#aux').is(':checked'), other: $('#other').is(':checked') } }) console.log(content) $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'ptt_push/addRequest', data: content, contentType: 'application/json', success: function(data) { console.log(data) tsvString = data.Result.tsv wordPushList = JSON.parse(data.Result.json) console.log(wordPushList) changeGraph(data.Result) } }) } function changeGraph(data) { console.log(data) let tsvString = data.tsv let json = JSON.parse(data.json) destroyCurrentGraph()'#graph').append('div').attr('id', 'vis') buildSentetree(tsvString) } function destroyCurrentGraph() { d3.selectAll('#vis').remove() } function hideTitles() { $('#titleListLayer').addClass('hidden') } function buildSentetree(tsvString) { console.log("Build.") var model; var tree; var data; if (typeof tsvString === 'undefined') { d3.tsv(tsvPath, buildTree) } else { data = d3.tsvParse(tsvString) buildTree(_, data) } function buildTree(error, rawdata) { const data = => Object.assign({}, d, { count: +d.count })); model = new SentenTree.SentenTreeBuilder() .tokenize(SentenTree.tokenizer.tokenizeBySpace) .transformToken(token => (/score(d|s)?/.test(token) ? 'score' : token)) .buildModel(data, { maxSupportRatio: 0.8, minSupportRatio: 0.001 }); tree = new SentenTree.SentenTreeVis('#vis', { fontSize: [15, 40], gapBetweenGraph: 10 }); .on('nodeClick', node => { $("#keywordBox").val( $('#titleListLayer').removeClass('hidden') seqList = { return n.rawText }) seqList = seqList.filter(function(v, i) { return seqList.indexOf(v) == i }) titleList = [] console.log(seqList) for (s of seqList) { titleTemp = wordPushList.filter(function(n) { return n.part == s }) titleList = titleList.concat(titleTemp) } console.log(titleList) info = wordPushList[] $('#titleListKeyword').html( $('#titleListKeywordInfo').html('') $('#titleListContainer').empty() for (i of titleList) { let link = $('').append( $('

    ').html(i.title) ) for (p of i.pushes) { link.append( $('').attr('style', 'margin: 0px 10px').html((['推', '噓', '→'])[p.type - 1] + ' ' + + ': ' + p.content + '
    ') ) } $('#titleListContainer').append( $('
  • ').attr('class', 'w3-panel').append( link ) ) } }) .on('nodeMouseenter', node => { console.log(node) let titles = [] { console.log(x) let result = wordPushList.filter(function(y) { return y.part == x.rawText }) for (r of result) { if (titles.indexOf(r) < 0 && titles.length < 5) { titles.push(r) } } }) console.log(titles) infoStr = '' for (index in titles) { if (index == 0) { infoStr += titles[index].title + '
    ' } else { if (titles[index].title != titles[index - 1].title) { infoStr += titles[index].title + '
    ' } } pos = titles[index].part.indexOf( infoStr += titles[index].pushes.filter(function(x) { return x.content.includes( })[0].content + '
    ' } $(nodeTitleContent).html(infoStr) $('#nodeTitle').removeClass('hidden') tree.highlightNeighbors(node) }) .on('nodeMouseleave', node => { $('#nodeTitle').addClass('hidden') tree.clearHighlightNeighbors() }).on('layoutStart', layout => { console.log(layout) }).on('linkMouseenter', link => { console.log(link) }) new ResizeSensor(jQuery('#d3kitRoot'), function() { var scale, origin; scale = Math.min(2, ($('#graph').outerWidth()) / ($('#d3kitRoot').outerWidth() + 60)) $('#vis').css({ transform: "scale(" + scale + ")", 'transform-origin': 'top left' }); }) } }