var commentsInfo var tsvString var stopwords = ["妳", "的", "是", "在", "卻", "也", "了", "而", "要", "啊", "阿", "又", "有", "不", "我", "都", "就", "會", "完整", "新聞", "標題", "內文", "之", "你", "還", "人", "嗎", "沒", "跟", "說", "他", "我", "在", "被", "可以", "請", "來", "但", "沒有", "就是", "想", "讓", "自己", "對", "去", "到", "這", "大家", "才", "我們", "好", "用", "過", "啦", "後", "知道", "做", "很", "上", "她", "短", "網址", "備註", "連結", "或", "已", "把", "那", "只", "所以", "講"] var url = [ '', '', '' ] init() function init() { $(window).on('mousemove', function(e) { $('#nodeTitle').css({ left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY }) }) changeData(1) return } function changeData(num) { $('#linkToPostButton').unbind() $('#linkToPostButton').click(() => {[num - 1]) }) if (([1, 2, 3]).indexOf(num) >= 0) { $.ajax({ url: '/resource/dcardPosts/' + num + '.tsv', async: false, success: (data) => { tsvString = data } }) $.ajax({ url: '/resource/dcardPosts/' + num + '.json', async: false, success: (data) => { commentsInfo = data } }) buildSentetree() return } } function destroyCurrentGraph() { d3.selectAll('#vis').remove()'#graph').append('div').attr('id', 'vis') } function hidePopup() { $('#infoWindowLayer').toggleClass('hidden') $('#progressInfo').html('') $('#progBarInner').css('width', 0 + '%') closeEventListner() } function buildSentetree() { destroyCurrentGraph() console.log("Build.") var model; var tree; var data; console.log(tsvString) if (typeof tsvString === 'undefined') { d3.tsv(tsvPath, buildTree) } else { data = d3.tsvParse(tsvString) buildTree(_, data) } function buildTree(error, rawdata) { const data = => Object.assign({}, d, { count: +d.count })); model = new SentenTree.SentenTreeBuilder() .tokenize(SentenTree.tokenizer.tokenizeBySpace) .transformToken(token => (/score(d|s)?/.test(token) ? 'score' : token)) .buildModel(data, { maxSupportRatio: 0.8, minSupportRatio: 0.001 }); tree = new SentenTree.SentenTreeVis('#vis', { fontSize: [15, 40], gapBetweenGraph: 10 }); console.log(tree) .on('nodeClick', node => { seqList = { return n.rawText }) let titleList = [] for (s of seqList) { titleTemp = commentsInfo.filter((v, i) => { console.log(v) return v['posseg'] }) if (( { return n.title })).indexOf(titleTemp.title) == -1) { titleList.push(titleTemp) } } console.log(titleList) info = wordTitleList[] $('#titleListKeyword').html( $('#titleListKeywordInfo').html('') if (stopwords.indexOf( < 0) { $("#addToStopwords").html('設為停用詞').css('background-color', '#379').click(() => { stopwords.push( destroyCurrentGraph() buildSentetree() hideTitles() }) } else { $("#addToStopwords").html('從停用詞移除').css('background-color', '#933').click(() => { stopwords.pop( destroyCurrentGraph() buildSentetree() hideTitles() }) } $('#setToKeyword').click(() => { $('#keywordBox').val( sendRequest() hideTitles() }) $('#titleListLayer').removeClass('hidden') $('#titleListContainer').empty() for (i of titleList) { $('#titleListContainer').append( $('